Thursday, October 10, 2024

Musings - Tragedies repeated

As the count of the dead and maimed grows in Sudan, Ukraine, Gaza, and the 100+ conflicts, pogroms and dictatorships trade the flesh of their citizens and neighbours they all forget they too will face death, they too have blood that runs red, their time will pass, and for what?

These lyrics from the 80s, when east and west engaged in proxy wars across the world, stlll hold true.

I see convoys curbcrawling west german autobahns
Trying to pick up a war
They're going to even the score
Oh... I can't take any more
I see black flags on factories
Soup ladies poised on the lips of the poor
I see children with vacant stares, destined for rape in the alleyways
Does anybody care, I can't take any more!
Should we say goodbye?

I see priests, politicians?
The heroes in black plastic body-bags under nations' flags
I see children pleading with outstretched hands, drenched in napalm, this is no vietnam

I can't take any more, should we say goodbye
How can we justify?
They call us civilised!

Blind Curve - Marillion